Want to start wade fishing like the pros... catching flounder, speckled trout, redfish, snook, pompano, mackerel and more, almost immediately... OUTFISHING all of your friends... even your fishing buddies with super nice boats?
Discover The Secret To Wade Fishing Consistency... From The Wade Fishing Coach Who Is Considered The "Spot Finding Expert" From Texas To Florida To Cape Cod...
Until now, only a handful of fishermen have been allowed to learn these amazing Wade Fishing Secrets that practically guarantee you will catch MORE and BIGGER fish from the shore in less time than you ever imagined possible (and even be able to seriously compete and out-fish the anglers in the $100,000+ boats while you slay fish in your wading boots).

Now, with the release of this "top secret" information, you can skyrocket yourself from inconsistent wade fisherman to respected mega-skilled consistent wade fisherman almost immediately.

Best of all, you can check it out yourself for FREE if you like...
By Joe Simonds
Dear Friend,

Are you are a serious saltwater fisherman who struggles to catch as many speckled trout, flounder, redfish, snook, mackerel, black drum, and other inshore fish from shore as you want to?

Do you feel like you're lacking consistency (some days you are ON FIRE while the very next trip you get SKUNKED) when it comes to wade fishing?

Or perhaps you are somewhat new to wade fishing and just want more FREEDOM to be able to park your vehicle and start catching fish within minutes...

Are you struggling to find feeding zones as quickly as you want?

Do you find yourself spending way too much time trying to find good spots?

If you've ever wanted to "crack the code" on the secret skills that enable the best wade fishermen to catch loads of fish, year after year... and do it fast, so you can start catching consistent inshore fish like a pro almost immediately... 

Then this will be the most exciting thing you ever read.

In just a moment, I'm going to share with you the proven 3-step system that a wade fisherman who the locals call "Wader Dave" uses to catch consistent fish year-round (from Texas to Florida to Cape Cod) so you can:
  •  Locate the feeding fish in areas near you (most important)
  •  Know exactly where and when to fish based on tides, temp, wind, moon phases, and season
  •  Pick the best lure or bait (and knowing exactly which type of lure the fish are most likely to eat based on the area, season, tides, current, wind, depth, etc -- this is actually very important -- especially when targeting fish from shore)
The great thing about this wade fishing system is that it doesn't require you to go out and invest in a ton of new equipment.

It's also super easy to understand so that once you learn it, you'll be abe to start using it right away in your area to...
Start Catching MORE Inshore Fish You've Ever Landed From Shore While The Guys In The Fancy Boat Scratch Their Head's Wondering How You Are Doing It...
Best of all...

You're going to know which wading spots to go to in your area for any given season...

You're going to know exactly what lure to use to target any given species...

And you're going to know exactly when to fish (so you can avoid wading in dead zones).

Look, if you're frustrated that you've spent tons of time trying to catch fish while wading but just can't seem to locate feeding fish every trip out...

Then you'll want to read every word on this page...

Because the information that Wader Dave is about to share with you is exactly what you've been looking for.

Now, before we go any further, there's one thing I want to make sure you understand:

There is no such thing as a magic fishing pill...

I simply don't believe in any "catch fish overnight" techniques (because they don't exist).

And just because you watched a dozen videos doesn't mean you are going to turn PRO the next day.

It will take some "on the water" work from you.

But my promise to you is that you will be able to LEAPFROG other anglers and save you MASSIVE amounts of time if you go through these proven strategies and put them to work.

And it's exactly why...
The Wade Fishing System You're About To Discover Is Nothing Like Anything Else You've Ever Seen Or Tried
What Wader Dave teaches is based on fundamental and proven fishing principles...

Strategies for finding productive wade fishing spots that have worked for years.

And lures that work anywhere in the country (not some random fly by night lure manufacturer who claims to have a magic bait that gets a strike every cast...)

It's the same approach that has worked for Wader Dave for decades (and it will work for you, too).

Especially when you consider the astonishing results that his wade fishing strategy has produced over the years for Dave's private clients (and for Dave).

Here's a quick idea of what Dave has personally accomplished:
30+ Different Game Fish Species While Wading The Flats, Estuaries, And Beaches From Cape Cod to Florida to Texas to Mexico and the Bahamas...
Wader Dave with a nice redfish while wade fishing
Wader Dave with a nice trout while wade fishing
Wader Dave with a nice snook while fishing from the beach
Wader Dave with a nice striped bass while wade fishing up north
But it wasn't always easy for Dave.

In fact, he struggled for years to "crack the code" to wade fishing.

He bought every lure imaginable...

He invested in every rod, reel, and piece of equipment possible.

Heck, he even bought boats and kayaks to ease the pain...

But even as a boat owner, he kept going back to what he loved...

Wade Fishing.

And he's not just some random weekend warrior who dabbles in wade fishing...
Wader Dave Spends At Least 200-230 Days Of The Year Wade Fishing (Every Year).
And yet... he's still a mystery man to most inshore fishermen.


Because Wader Dave isn't on social media.

He has no Facebook account.

He has no Instagram account.

He isn't a flashy guy who wants everyone to know how many fish he's catching.

But still, fishermen who see him in action randomly come up to him and ask if they can pay him money to teach them how to wade fish like he does.

And he's taken out dozens of anglers for half-day trips to teach them his secrets (for many hundreds of dollars per trip).

But for years, Wader Dave has declined to give seminars, write a book, or share his best tips publically...

Until today.

The best news...
He's Done All The "Heavy Lifting" For You...
After spending decades honing in his skills, testing out every spot imaginable, and experimenting with every type of lure in every type of water clarity and tidal flow...

He now believes it's time to share his best kept wade fishing secrets with every serious inshore fisherman who will take the time to learn it the right way.

He feels like it's finally his turn to give back and share his knowledge like many pros before him have done once they reach a certain level.

It's his way of "giving back" to the fishing community that has treated him so well over the years.

And don't be intimidated by the fact these are pro-level tactics.

The bottom line is, you can learn these live bait secret skills and techniques almost immediately...
Introducing: Wade Fishing Mastery
The 3-Part System For Catching More Fish Than You Ever Imagined While Wade Fishing (All Year Long)
Wade Fishing Mastery is a complete online video training that teaches you the exact system that Wader Dave uses to consistently catch fish from Texas up to Cape Cod.

It's his "go to" wade fishing blueprint that he's personally used to catch at least 35 or more inshore slams per year over the last 10 years (slams from trout/snook/redfish, trout/redfish/flounder, striper/bluefish/flounder, and bonefish/permit/tarpon).

Regardless if you are just getting started and having trouble getting your first bite...

Or if you are an experienced angler just trying to take your game up a notch and get a few priceless pointers from someone who's out there wading 200+ days per year, this course can work for you.

It's astonishingly easy... these wade fishing secrets are simple to "get"... and, best of all...

It's 100% digital so you get immediate access to the entire training when you sign up today.
Here's Just A Small Glimpse Of What You'll Discover Inside Wade Fishing Mastery...
  •  Exactly what to look for in the water when you are looking for new wading spots -- so you will find the feeding fish quicker than your friends -- not wasting your valuable time looking for spots (This is almost an unfair advantage... because you'll get Wader Dave's exact blueprint for ideal spots FASTER than ever before).
  •  How to "read" the water, flats, beaches, and bays just like a pro! (Stop finding yourself stuck in dead zones where there aren't feeding fish)
  •  What lures are best during certain seasons (HINT: the best baits in the winter are completely different than the best baits in the summer)
  •  Wader Dave's little known "twist" to positioning yourself in the perfect depth and making casts at the perfect angle (If you don't know this, you double or TRIPLE the risk of losing a trophy fish!)
  •  The BEST rigs depending on the current and type of fish you are targeting (Plus -- the ONE simple rigging tactic you must use for catching fish from the beach).
  •  How to target flounder from shore (a cool trick to have them swimming right into the feeding zones so you can stay farther away and land more fish).
  •  Why "live bait" can actually hurt your chances of catching a bunch of fish fast (HINT: the best waders don't rely on live bait -- you must know this one secret in order to target the fish from shore correctly... and quickly)
  •  Instantly eliminate your lures from not looking natural! (The most common mistake newbies make... which murders your chances of catching fish while wading. Easy fix.)
  •  Which spot and which lure is best for every season (This is the one of the Biggest Mistakes that most fishermen make when it comes to wading -- even many seasoned waders don't know how to do this properly!... but you will)
And a ton more!

Plus, Wader Dave will show you all of his best tactics for fishing everything from beaches, flats, bays, points, and causeways.

The best news is that...
This Wade Fishing System Will Continue Working For You Long Into The Future...
The course contains everything you need to know to MASTER wade fishing for inshore fish.

It's over 40 step-by-step (never before seen) videos revealing every single detail Wader Dave uses to find the perfect spots, how to find the feeding fish on any given day, and exactly how to rig, present, and get your lure right in front of a feeding fish's mouth.

It's the same tactics that have worked for years.


Because it's based on the biology of fish which hasn't changed in 1000s of years.

This means not only will it work for you this year, but it will continue to pay dividends to you for years to come...

Giving you the priveledge of teaching these same proven tactics to your kids, grandkids, and loved ones...

It will be the gift that keeps on giving...

Putting it up there with the best investment you've ever made when it comes to fishing.

But you've got to act quick if you want to take advantage of this special offer...
Today: 20% Off Flash Sale
Considering that the information contained in this wade fishing system would take you decades of your life to recreate and learn the hard way (not to mention the tens of thousands of dollars of equipment and lure testing over the years), it's no wonder Wader Dave has never released this information before.

These are the secrets he's had to discover after countless years of research and testing...

So when Wader Dave first agreed to let us film this never-before-seen footage of his best tips, tactics, techniques, and shortcuts, we discussed a price range for his course in the $200 range.

Especially when you consider that the course is INTERACTIVE and that you get LIFETIME ACCESS (without any other charges).

But one of our big missions here at Salt Strong is to help as many anglers as we can...

So we discussed dropping the price to $137.

A very fair price (and quite frankly a STEAL) for all of the information you will receive.

Finally, we agreed to reward the anglers who take action... the fishermen who value their time and truly want to get better fast.

That being said, for the next few days only, we are offering a ONE-TIME FLASH SALE, which means you get 20% OFF the course (plus full unrestricted access to Wade Fishing Mastery for just $97).

That's not a typo.

For just ONE PAYMENT OF $97 you can get instant access to the entire Wade Fishing Mastery training that is worth thousands of dollars.

Plus, when you join today you'll have absolutely no risk...
Use This Course For An Entire Year And If You Don't Start Catching More Fish While Wading Than You Ever Have In Your Life, I'll Give You A Full Refund
I'm so confident that once you start using the techniques and tactics in this wade fishing course that you will start catching more fish than you ever imagined, that I'm going to personally guarantee it (for an entire year).

That's right...

A 365-Day 100% Money-Back Guarantee!

Here's how it works:

Order the course right now.

Watch it, use it, put it to the test on the water, treat it as your own.

If you are not completely blown away by what you've learned, then anytime in the first 365 days (plenty of time to check out everything for yourself on the water)... then I INSIST you send us an email at fish@saltstrong and get a fast refund for the full amount of your purchase price.

No questions.

No hassles, either.

We've been in the fishing education business for over three years now (and helped THOUSANDS of inshore fisherman catch more fish in less time).

We guard our reputation like a bulldog guards his home.

If you're not happy, we're not happy.

And if you want to speak to use in person, call our toll-free number here (855)888-6494.

We'd love to help answer any questions you might have.

You must order right away, however.

Just click this link below and you'll get instant access after you fill out the information.

You can pay using your credit card or PayPal.
You'll receive INSTANT ACCESS right after you click the button, put in all of your information, and hit enter.

Remember -- you do not risk a penny.

If you decide to return the course for a fast refund within your 1-year (365 day) "check it out" period, you will have seen ALL of Wader Dave's secrets for FREE!

That's how confident I am of this wading course.

I think you are going to flip when you see eveything that you discover.

I think it's going to change your fishing game, for life... really quick.

Listen, you've probably spent a small fortune on tackle, rods, reels, boats, kayaks, and other equipment already.

Why not invest just a few dollars more for the insider secrets of how to wade fish like a pro that will skyrocket your enjoyment of the sport you love so much... and help you OUTFISH all of your friends.

This is how you become the HERO... the go-to angler everyone is talking about and respects.

Invest in the course now.

Don't get left out.

And start catching trophy fish from shore this weekend just like the pro's.

P.S. - I almost forgot -- Wader Dave also recorded five special FREE BONUS videos that you will receive when you order today.

They are special videos where he spills the beans on some of his special tactics and most costly mistakes (tips he's NEVER shared publically before).

Here are the five different FREE BONUS videos:

1) Dave's Deadly Pompano Rig
2) Texas Specific Wade Fishing Tactics
3) Cape Cod Specific Wade Fishing Tactics
4) Dave's "Osprey" Trick
5) Dave's Most Costly Wade Fishing Mistakes

The value of these five videos alone are worth more than the special deal you get today.

Yet, they are all yours free (but you have to order today).

See you inside the course!

Contact us here: fish@saltstrong.com
Or call us at (855)888-6494

Salt Strong, LLC @ 2018