Well, it's important you know that Capt. Deeks would charge you upwards of $2,000 for a single day if you wanted a private lesson where he would teach you his best night catching tips.
That' no typo...
$2,000 for a single day of private coaching.
And you don't get a recording of it, either.
You either remember it or you don't...
Even though that may seem like a crazy amount of money for one day of fishing, it's not all that crazy when you consider the 20+ years of on the water knowledge that you instantly gain (that could help you save countless hours of catching trophy fish and even win money in a tournament).
But we don't want to charge you that kind of money for this course (even though many of you lucky enough to get the course will agree it's worth it).
So no, you don't have to pay $2,000...
You don't even have to pay $1,000...
You don't even have to pay $500...
In fact, you don't even have to pay $250...
Even though Peter spent months making this course... getting every perfect angle (even when the current was ripping)... plus the cost of a videographer and his $50,000 camera gear... plus weeks and weeks of editing...