Why is there so little published about this MOST IMPORTANT rule???
Because it's FREE.
Most of the sponsored content out there, is just that, SPONSORED.
They need to be convincing you that the only way to catch more fish is to buy more tackle.
It's actually the opposite.
People need to stop worrying so darn much about what lure they have, and LEARN HOW TO FIND THE FISH.
If you're casting in an area that doesn't have feeding fish, it won't matter how expensive your lure is...YOU WON'T CATCH ANYTHING!
Now, the right lure or bait isn't completely obsolete, but truth is you can catch a TON of fish with just a simple handful of lures or cheap bait.
So, that's where 90/10 Zone Newsletter was born.
Like fishing in the 90/10 Zone, 90% of the information out there doesn't actually help you catch more fish.
You need to move to a new spot.
The 90/10 Zone is that spot.
It's the 10% of ACTUALLY useful information to help you catch more Inshore (and sometimes Offshore) fish.
And have a lot of fun while doing it.
Plus it's 100% FREE.
DISCLAIMER: We do have an Insider's Club that people pay for, but THIS IS NOT THAT.
This is our 100% Free Ultimate Source of All Things Inshore Saltwater Fishing.
Because we LOVE HELPING ALL FISHERMEN and growing the Fishing community.
Maybe one day you'll want to take it to the next level and join our Insider Club, but that's up to you.
Either way, we want you to enjoy these newsletters and help us build a STONG-er Fishing Community.
Until next time, tight lines!
Joe Simonds - Salt Strong co-founder